Grand Junction City Parks and Recreation
Commercial Use or Special Event Permits are for events that will take place within public streets or on other City-owned property, such as City parks and trails. Please call 970-254-3801 if you need help with the permitting process.
Depending on the nature of your proposed Filmmaking Production, other City permits may be required in addition to, or place of, the Special Event Permit.
Point of contact for the City of Grand Junction Parks and Recreation
Trish Rothwell - 970-254-3801
1340 Gunnison Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501
Fill out completed applications of the Commercial Use Application, Special Event Application, or Street Closure Application Payments can be made with a credit card in person or over the phone by calling
Fees & Links
Commercial Use Photo or Video Permit
- 5 or less people – $25/day – $300/Annual
- 6 or more people – $40/day – $500/Annual
- Downtown – Emerson, Hawthorne & Whitmann Only – No Charge/day – $25/Annual
Special Event Permit
- $275/day for a Special Event Permit
- Additional Fees may be required based on the facilities used.
When do you need a permit to film on Grand Junction City Property?
Grand Junction City will require a fee for the professional use of still photography equipment, motion picture equipment, or other videotaping equipment on Grand Junction City Owned Property or Parks under the following circumstances:
- If photographs, motion pictures, or videos on city property will be made to sell the products to those users.
- If photographs, motion pictures, or videos will be made under an existing contract to sell them.
- If photographs, motion pictures, or videos of commercial products will be made on Grand Junction City Property for advertising purposes.
- If the photography, motion picture, or video taking is reasonably likely to affect the Grand Junction City Property or its resources adversely.
A fee is not required under the following circumstances:
- Casual use of photography on Grand Junction City Property.
No permit is needed for Streets unless closure is needed
What is commercial filming?
“Commercial filming” means the film, electronic, magnetic, digital, or other recording of a moving image by a person, business, or other entity for a market audience to generate income. Examples include, but are not limited to, feature films, videography, and documentaries. Commercial filming may include advertising a product or service or using actors, models, sets, or props.
Do I need a permit for still photography?
In most cases, still photography does not require a permit. A permit is required for still Commercial photography. Commercial Photography is defined as a photographer that will sell images or files to a client or use the images for commercial purposes. The following uses do not require a license.
- Casual use of photography on Grand Junction City Property.
If I’m a social media influencer, do I need a permit?
Federal law requires a permit for all commercial filming, regardless of crew size or equipment type. This includes individuals or small groups that don’t use much equipment but generate revenue by posting footage on websites such as YouTube and TikTok.
All filmers, no matter the size, must comply with all rules that apply in park areas or facilities regardless of, just like other visitors.
How do I apply for a permit?
- Application: Fill out the Commercial Use, Special Event, or Street Closure Application
- Liability Insurance: Supply the City of Grand Junction with a proof of insurance certificate naming the City as an additional insured on the policy. Coverage must be Comprehensive General Liability insurance coverage with unimpaired combined single limits of at least $1,000,000 per person and $1,000,000 in the aggregate. The certificate must be received once the application is approved and before the permit is issued. The issuance of a proof of insurance certificate is a formal process on the part of the Lessee’s insurance company and must be sent directly from the insurer to the Grand Junction Parks and Recreation Department. Copies made by the Lessee are not valid.
- Payment: Once the application is approved the full fee is to be paid before the Commercial User Permit is issued.
- The Commercial Use Permit must be with you at all times.
- The Commercial Use Permit does not entitle you to exclusive use of any facility. If exclusive use is needed, a separate facility use permit must be obtained from Grand Junction Parks and Recreation. Fees may apply.
- The Commercial Use Permit does not include any storage of equipment or supplies.
What fees will I have to pay?
Fees are based on the number of days and the number of people including actors, models, and filming and support crew. Some additional fees may include street closures or facility use.
Commercial Use Photo or Video Permit
- 5 or less people – $25/day – $300/Annual
- 6 or more people – $40/day – $500/Annual
- Downtown – Emerson, Hawthorne & Whitmann Only – No Charge/day – $25/Annual
Special Event Permit
- $275/day for a Special Event Permit
- Additional Fees may be required based on the facilities used.

Need help or more info about obtaining a permit?
The Grand Junction Film Commission would love to help you with your permitting inquiries. If you are planning a production here in Western Colorado that requires Film or Photography Permits. Please contact us for more information and help.
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